Welcome To Our Special 20th Anniversary Campaign!

At Tech 4 Life, we’re celebrating 20 years of community and service, and we’d love for you to be a part of this milestone.

By sharing your story, you help us highlight the impact of our work together and inspire others. Your experiences and testimonials will be featured in our various anniversary materials, both on our website and on our social media.
Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in participating and to provide us with some initial details.

Participant Information

Please provide your basic information so we can get in touch with you regarding the campaign.

Participation Type

Select how you would like to participate in our 20th Anniversary Campaign.

Participation Options: *

Written Testimonial (if applicable)

We appreciate your willingness to share your experiences with us! Below are a few questions to guide your testimonial. Feel free to answer all or just some of them, depending on which aspects of your experience with Tech 4 Life you're most eager to share. Your stories are valuable to us and the community we serve!

  • What was your first interaction with Tech 4 Life like, and what stood out to you the most.
  • Can you describe a particular challenge or problem you faced where Tech 4 Life provided a solution that made a significant difference?
  • Has there been a moment where Tech 4 Life went above and beyond what you expected from a tech service provider?
  • How has Tech 4 Life’s commitment to the community impacted you or your business?
  • What has kept you returning to Tech 4 Life over the years?
  • Is there a personal story related to Tech 4 Life that you think captures the essence of their service and community involvement?
  •  Looking forward, what are your hopes for your continuing relationship with Tech 4 Life? How do you see them playing a role in your future endeavors?

Video Interview Availability (if applicable)

If you selected 'Video Interview,' please let us know your preferred date and time for filming. This will help us schedule the interview at your convenience.